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BOE Goals

Board of Education:

  • Provide a "board buddy" to each new board member.
  • Make better connections with staff by having staff reports at board meetings and receive staff updates from the administration on a regular basis.
  • Utilize District plans to ensure appropriate use of financial resources and expand the learning opportunities for students.
  • Make Middle Level (grades 6 - 8) programming a priority to instill the need for education in students and parents.



  • Stay current on school district federal and state requirements and utilize professional development opportunities to develop vision for the District.
  • Expand efficiency and capacity by sharing resources through partnerships with other school districts, outside agencies and municipal governments.
  • Support differentiated and alternative Middle Level programs that engage students in school.
  • Use available resources to provide learning opportunities outside of the school district options.



  • Increase achievement for all students while recognizing their diverse needs.
  • Promote an atmosphere of cooperation while increasing standards.
  • Develop Staff Learning Communities to target and strengthen instructional practices.
  • Use updated resources, including technology, as tools to engage all learners.
  • Strengthen adults and students resolve to achieve high standards.
  • Work to promote the District's positives within the school and District.